Atlin's Liquid Gold

HONEY! The summer of 2012 was my first season with Honey Bees. This is something I have been interested in for several years, however the usual fear of trying something new kept me from getting started. Not to mention 50,000 bees(and their stingers) in a hive! Our first season was a great success! After leaving the bees with a winter's supply our family has enjoyed our first 15 pounds of Atlin Honey. Currently we are crossing our fingers that the bees make it thru the winter. We have ordered 6 more hives and tubes of bees for the summer of 2013. Lets hope for a warm summer so there will be enough honey to sell this summer!
The queen bee for this hive is in the center of the photo to the left.
The queen bee for this hive is in the center of the photo to the left.
March 2013 Update
Yesterday one of the hives was opened up as it was warm enough, and unfortunately the bees in the hive were all dead. So we began cleaning up the hive to prep it for use again with one of the new tubes of bees. Since this hive was dead we decided to go ahead and open up the other hive, since we were cleaning up one we figured we might as well clean up two. BUT good news the hive is still alive, we only had it open for a moment but there were live bees in there, so we closed it all back up as quickly as possible and we hope they live thru this next forcasted cold spell. When it is over at our earliest chance we will go ahead and open it and add the hive top feeder. My fingers are crossed that we sucessfully winter at least one of the hives.